April 16, 2024
Updates On Book 2 of 3

Hey everyone just popping in to say hello, I hope everyone is doing great! The second book is coming along really nicely and it may be out sooner than anticipated, I am already 25k words into it, so a quarter of the way done. As a note I will be doing free book give aways pretty much every month. At the end of this month there will be 5 winners, but you have to sign up for the newsletter in order to get a chance to win. As always, the eBook is available on pretty much all platforms, and physical copies are available on Amazon. You can get a signed copy by going to my Etsy or TikTok stores and buying it there, all books and book boxes come signed, however they sellout fast because I also sell them off of the platform. As soon as I get all of the copies, I need of the novel I will be doing a book signing in Anderson SC more to come on that so stay tuned.